epson L565 , lines on printing , L210, L130 , L220, L310, L360, L365

Epson L565 , lines on printing , L210, L130 , L220, L310, L360, L365

Epson 900 thin blue horizontal lines

When printing photographs at high resolutions, my Epson Stylus Color 900 seems to have one blue print nozzle firing at all times. A single blue line is printed horizontally with each pass of the print head, and it extends off the left and right edges of the paper (even though the image does not).

There are 6 lines every 5mm, except at the top and bottom when the paper does not move as much (they are very close together there).

Printing text pages or the nozzle check pattern does NOT produce these lines.

I have run it through the cleaning cycle several times from the print utility software, printing a nozzle check between each cleaning.

Any ideas?
Easily fix the problem  watch the video......


  1. my videos with the sound quality of my videos
    My videos with the sound quality of my videos. #mp3 youtube to mp3 youtube. @mp3mp3 youtube. #mp3 youtube. #mp3 youtube. #mp3 youtube.


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